Membership is available for all parties interested in the history of the New Sweden Colony and the early Swedes and Finns in America. Swedish heritage is not a requirement.
The four classes of Active Membership and application fees are:
Individuals -($45)
Family (Parents and children under 18 -$52.50)
Organization ( Supporting Business or Institution Name -$52.50)
Lifetime ($600.00).
Unfortunately, at this time, we do not have automatic recurring payments.
- Individual Membership is defined as person over 18 years of age and Archive Educational Research Packages limited to one email address per membership.
- Family Membership is defined as: Official Households name, 2 adults {presumably parents) and all children under the age of 18.- Privileges include: include supplemental forefather membership application eligibility, Archive Educational Research Packages limited to one email address per family. When a child turns 18, the family membership status will apply till the end of that subscription period. Children 18 and above should apply for Individual Membership or as applicable.
- Organization is defined as a Supporting Business or Institution. Archive Educational Research Packages limited to one email address per Organization
- Lifetime membership applies to one individual. Archive Educational Research Packages limited to one email address per Lifetime Membership.
If your email address changes, please notify with your new email address, →To update your Archive and Newsletter email only, click Modify Profile (note: pop ups must be allowed.)
Forefather Members:
Forefather Members are Active Members who can prove descent from Swedish or Finnish colonists in the United States prior to the Treaty of Paris, marking the close of the Revolutionary War, in 1783. It is a special status of membership within the Society.
The one time application fee for Forefather membership is $60. Supplemental memberships may be granted to the applicant’s siblings, children and/or grandchildren for $30 each, in addition to the Active Member fee as above.
Unfortunately, we occasionally receive checks that are returned to us with insufficient funds. A USD $35.00 returned check fee will be charged to the party issuing a check with insufficient funds.