Delight in the new look of the Governor Johan Printz 1643 -1653 granite monolith. These are photographs of the before during and after restoration. I call this restoration a rebirth or renaissance. This monolith was erected by the Swedish Colonial Society in 1923. We own it! This is the first time in 91 years that this monolith was professionally cleaned and restored.

- The SCS Historic Preservation Committee wants to restore more monoliths and historic sites. The restoration of historic sites does not happen by itself and it is expensive. The cost for the Governor Printz monolith restoration is $3,500. Additionally the planting of new low ground shrubbery and the continual upkeep of same is a one-time fee of $3,000.
- Our next schedule project is the restoration of the John Morton cemetery monolith located at the Old Swedes or Chester Burial Ground 301 E 9th St, Chester, PA 19013. John Morton was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. He was of Swedish/Finnish decent.
- We are asking 50 SCS members to donate $500 dollars to the Swedish Colonial Society so we can expand our preservation of monuments at historic sites. This $500 tax deductible donation can be in a one lump sum or in quarterly payments or even in monthly payments of $50 dollars a month for 10 months